TC21 Workshop B - Powerful reporting with PowerBI - Sydney Campsite

  • 13 Apr 2021
  • 11:00 AM - 3:00 PM
  • University of Technology Sydney, Room CB02.17.100, UTS Building 2, 61 Broadway, Ultimo NSW 2007
  • 7


Powerful reporting with PowerBI

Are you tired of relying on Excel for data analysis? The cleaning, the cludging, the wrestling with menus to create visuals that convey your findings? If you're looking for a new tool to process, analyse and visualise your data, this is the workshop for you. In this workshop for absolute beginners, you'll learn how to get data, clean it up, and put it to work in PowerBI.

Note: Microsoft PowerBI is compatible with Windows only and we cannot support Macs at this Workshop. If you are exclusively a Mac user we recommend you do not register for Workshop B.

Camp Trainer: Justin Kelly

Currently the Business Data Analyst at State Library of Victoria, Justin has a passion for data visualisation and analytics. Through a long career interacting with the glorious mess that is library data, he's yet to meet a data set that he can't wrangle, visualise, and use for new insights.


University of Technology Sydney

Camp Counsellor/s: Cat Co and Eric Lam  /  UTS Maps

Facilities available: Breakout spaces, wifi, food court, Library, parking around the area (attendee's expense)

Room WiFi Access Details: TBC

Room Access/Security Details: TBC

Covid-19 Local Health and Safety Requirements: Visit the UTS website HERE.

Catering Details: Water, tea, coffee, biscuits, fruit, sandwiches.

Other Important information for Attendees: Please arrive 30 mins before start to allow time to check in and to connect to venue WiFi. 

Please make sure to check the UTS website for up to date information on COVID-related changes.

Terms & Conditions

"VALA - Libraries, Technology and the Future Inc" is a non-profit organisation , PO Box 192 Port Melbourne VIC 3207.

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